EBT logo EuroBillTracker

:. Jälgige eurode teekonda alates 1. jaanuarist 2002

:. Saidi eesmärk

EuroBillTracker (EBT) is an international non-profit volunteer team dedicated to tracking Euro notes around the world. Each user enters the serial numbers and location information for each note they obtain into EuroBillTracker. From this information, the site extracts:

  • Diffusion information: Each Euro country has its own range of note serial numbers and from this information we can generate diffusion graphs that tell us how the notes travel to other countries. See the Diffusion section for more information.
  • Tracking information: When a note is re-entered, the users who previously entered it are notified via email. These hits can be seen in the statistics section.
  • Statistics and rankings: Who enters the most notes, which are the best countries? Where are the notes currently situated?

Euro banknotes and coins were put into circulation on January 1, 2002 and we have been tracking notes since then. The site was initially created by Philippe Girolami (giro). Since mid-2003, the site has been run on a dedicated server by Anssi Johansson (avij). The site continues to be developed, since 2005 with the additional help of Marko Schilde (nerzhul). The webmasters are assisted by teams of active EBT users who take care of the forum, translate the site, provide email support and handle various other tasks, and without them we wouldn't be as great as we are now :) Thanks!

EuroBillTracker is in no way affiliated with the European Union, the European Central Bank, national central banks or other financial institutions. Using EBT is completely free. Please browse our FAQ, Statistics and Diffusion sections for more information.

If you'd like to learn more about EBT, take a tour! >>

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:. Lõputiitrid

Design & code: Philippe Girolami, Anssi Johansson, Marko Schilde.

Initial idea: Where's George

Graphic design: Philippe Girolami, Ben, Olivier, micro.

Banner design: Philippe Girolami, various others.

Translators: tafricanski [bg], Death Mask [ca], met76 [ca], pauper [ca], JordiJanTaxi [ca,es], eurodanube [cz], .Gauss. [de], chw [de], magpie [de], matt.berlin [de], Nerzhul [de], Pascal76 [de], pixelcow.com [de], Schlauchen [de], sralfalo [de], TurboTim [de], wisi [de], klapotec [de,en], Blueman [en], 5222 [eo], esperantisto [eo], karulin [eo], Le Hibou [eo], Vortarulo [eo], WinstonSmith [eo,it], ayafarei [es], Marc2806 [es], melado [es], Angelino [es,ca], N0W1K [es,ca], avscol [et], deizen [et], h2ppyme [et], knospe [et], muhhin [et], Stahl123 [et], juopot rotat [et,fi], Craft [et,fi,se], aarteinen [fi], AngraMainyu [fi], Apila^ [fi], aplfi [fi], arttu [fi], avij [fi], Bird [fi], Bobtail [fi], cinnamon [fi], JuusoJuu [fi], keräilijä37 [fi], Poutsi [fi], Dakkus [fi,lv], gg [fr], Giro [fr], goldwood [fr], greteck [fr], OliVi€R [fr], Phaseolus [fr], porridge [fr], SF0404 [fr], Yelverdack ☀ [fr], Yok's [fr], adia [gr], avatar [gr], coinman [gr], pakitis [gr], Reuenthal [gr], Sandraki [gr], scb [gr], zorin [gr], BerryT [hr], mali_kekec [hr], yednos [hr], agapep [hu], debemaks [it], Fjon [it], fnfn [it], Fuliggine [it], mirandolina [it], pinguino79 [it], ravestorm™ [it], ~Marius~ [it], Claudio VdA & Elly [it,fr,es], lietuvis40 [lt], negative [lt], Anstba [lv], gragox [lv], IvarioLV [lv], jbonello [mt], Avalanche [nl], bhoeyb [nl], chiel3334 [nl], craco [nl], daniellez [nl], emmem [nl], foddex [nl], Fons [nl], HNL [nl], Martijn [nl], MDeen [nl], Mr Euro [nl], Nodisch18 [nl], rlaurenssen [nl], smh [nl], drexel [pl], micdab [pl], bocky [pt], BogPoet [pt], FANTAS [pt], lmviterbo [pt], andreynet [ro], dives [ro], vlad [ro], tt.01 [ru], Vladislav [ru], -LK- [se], Althalas [se], bob9 [se], Nomen Nescio [se], b100w11 & jenny&me [si], Dioniz [si], gergapsek [si,de,hr], gulocka [sk], Milos from Kosice [sk], MirecXP [sk], slavko.sk [sk], Vévé [sk], drevokocur [sk,cz], cemre [tr], moguzhan [tr]

Advertisement: Peter Coels, people who have written to newspapers, radio stations, web sites. Thanks to everyone and keep it going!
Summa .:
Väärtus.:4 167 953 330
Kasutajad.:218 581 
Pangatähed.:227 008 078 
Huvitavad tabamused.:1 309 095 
Top Users (# of notes) .:
1. Flag for Austria Moise3 449 070
2. Flag for Saksamaa ProChrist3 174 370
3. Flag for Saksamaa save Julian Assange2 927 999
4. Flag for Holland Vermeer2 721 020
5. Flag for Austria H.i.n.t.i.2 398 699
6. Flag for Saksamaa taucher2 191 400
7. Flag for Saksamaa BGO2 021 834
8. Flag for Saksamaa Math Murderer1 934 891
9. Flag for Saksamaa inDUS1 862 537
10. Flag for Saksamaa Hilden-Itter1 770 744
Kasutajate edetabel (pangatähtede arvu järgi, viimased 7 päeva) .:
1. Flag for Slovakkia petox4 437
2. Flag for Saksamaa save Julian Assange3 802
3. Flag for Saksamaa inDUS3 721
4. Flag for Austria pluheaVen3 500
5. Flag for Saksamaa Hilden-Itter3 476
6. Flag for Austria Moise3 433
7. Flag for Austria H.i.n.t.i.3 224
8. Flag for Austria klapotec3 157
9. Flag for Saksamaa taucher3 100
10. Flag for Saksamaa kiki12 857